Assoc. Prof. Emma Aneheim, Ph.D.


Astatine-211 in nuclear medicine – from target to patient treatment

Targeted alpha therapy is an emerging technique utilizing the large linear energy transfer and destructive power of the alpha particle, directed to the cancer cells by a tumor specific targeting vector. Only very few alpha particle emitting nuclides fulfill the requirements for nuclear medicine applications, such as suitable half-life and decay properties, feasible production route, etc. Among the proposed candidates, astatine-211 is often considered to be the most promising choice for treatments with a curative intent. Astatine-211 is produced by cyclotron bombardment of natural bismuth with high energy alpha particles. In theory limitless amounts of astatine can therefore be produced, but in reality production sites are scarce. The second heaviest halogen in the periodic table, astatine, do not have any stable isotopes and the longest half-life is only 8.1 hours. Because of this, contrary to most other elements, many basic chemical and physical properties of astatine are still not known. These are things that naturally pose a challenge in working towards producing and using radiopharmaceuticals with astatine, but all challenges are meant to be overcome.

Curriculum vitae

  • 2020 Associate Professor in Radiochaemistry, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
  • 2020 Vice chair of the COST Action NOAR-Network for Optimized Astatine labeled Radiopharmaceuticals since 2020 (19 member states, >130 members), dedicated to TAT with astatine in Europe
  • 2019 Founder and CSO of the company Atley Solutions AB (2019) – start-up company focusing on automation hardware for producing astatinated radiopharmaceuticals from the irradiated target & radiochemical services with astatine
  • 2012 Working with targeted alpha therapy related to astatine-211 from a chemical perspective, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • 2012 PhD in Nuclear Chemistry, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
  • 2007 Chemical Engineer, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden